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  • Writer's pictureYuko Oshima

Energy healing, working with Divine Energy, is my life’s work – a journey began with my encounter with Reiki and took an unexpected turn.

Although I was born, raised and educated in Japan, I had never heard of Reiki (靈氣).

In early 2014 here in the UK where I reside, the word ‘Reiki’ kept appearing everywhere  — online, on the street and in conversations. Intrigued, I decided to explore it further.

Initially, I couldn’t grasp what Reiki truly was, but I knew I wanted to carefully select a Reiki Master if I chose to learn it. However, I didn’t find anyone who felt right for me.


A few months later, an opportunity to take a Reiki course with a Japanese Reiki Master came my way.  She was travelling from Japan. Trusting my instincts, I seized the chance.


A few months after that, I began the 1st Degree course. During the attunement, I experienced an out-of-world sensation throughout my body; every cell was vibrating at a higher frequency celebrating, ‘Finally, we have found what we’ve been waiting for!’ Although the message was in the form of a vibrational frequency, its meaning was clear and profound.


In early 2015, after obtaining the necessary certificates, I began practicing Reiki. Interestingly, during my very first session, I noticed a new sense where I could feel the energy field of the client’s body and its movements, my hands were moved by ‘something’ to the spots or areas of the body which required attention, I could sense and scan with my hands where the problems were in the body. That something was Devine Energy (Unconditional Love), I profoundly realised.


During the next few sessions, it became clear that I was also receiving information and knowledge in the form of energy. The more sessions I conducted, the more profound and expansive the information and knowledge I received from Divine Energy about healing and other fundamental aspects of our being. What I was doing in the sessions went well beyond Reiki.


It became so clear these insights were guiding me to pursue a new path under the guidance of Divine Energy. This led to the creation and development of my own energy healing method, now called Hikaru Healing. It is my life’s work, which is what my cells were telling me all along.


Since then, I have obtained certificates in other energy healing modalities and attended numerous workshops and trainings to deepen my understanding and enhance my healing practice. I am committed to continuous improvement.


Divine Energy has been my true teacher and guide. I know this journey is endless, and I have only scratched the surface.


In 2023 while in my own hometown of Kyoto, Japan, another meant-to-be opportunity came my way; to learn Jikiden Reiki (直傳靈氣) Their headquarters are based in Kyoto. I knew that Jikiden Reiki was very close to, if not the same as, the original teachings of Mr Usui, the father of Reiki (please see ‘About’ for the connection of Reiki and myself).

This was a full-circle moment and reconnecting me with my roots and the heritage of Kyoto and Japan, where Reiki, now the globally best-known energy healing modality, originates. To gain a different perspective on energy healing, I decided to practice Jikiden Reiki separately from Hikaru Healing.


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